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How the Feel Great System Combats Insulin Resistance Naturally

blood glucose feel great system insulin resistance Aug 19, 2022
A person reaching for a burger with the bold caption 'GLUCOSE IS KILLING YOU!' above, and 'FEEL GREAT SYSTEM' in a contrasting color block below, emphasizing the health risks associated with high glucose intake and introducing the Feel Great System as a potential solution.

In today's fast-paced world, processed foods and refined carbohydrates have become a dominant part of our diets, significantly contributing to the escalating rates of type 2 diabetes and other related health issues.

This shift towards easy, sugar-laden options is proving to be more dangerous than many of the health crises we face today, including the opioid epidemic. Shockingly, sugar's addictive nature and its role in health conditions, such as diabetes, claim twice as many lives daily in the U.S. as opioids, based on the latest CDC data.

With more than a third of the U.S. adult population struggling to maintain good cardiometabolic health, as recent studies from Tufts University have shown, the need for a comprehensive approach to managing our blood glucose levels has never been more critical. This health challenge encompasses several risk factors, including insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, making it a ticking time bomb for public health.

Enter the Feel Great System, a revolutionary approach designed to counteract the adverse effects of processed foods and carbohydrates by supporting healthy blood sugar levels, reducing insulin resistance, and fostering overall wellness. By focusing on natural food-based products, this system offers a sustainable path to improved health without the complexities and challenges of traditional diet plans.

Navigating the Sugar Crisis: The Alarming State of Cardiometabolic Health in America

Tuffs University recently reported the results of their study, revealing that only 7% of the U.S. adult population has good cardiometabolic health. This is a health crisis, as cardiometabolic health includes several risk factors including type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and overweight and obesity.

According to the CDC, more than 1 in 3 people have prediabetes. Of those with prediabetes, more than 84% don't know they have it. Nearly 50% of people who are diagnosed with prediabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes.

Insulin Resistance: The Silent Epidemic Behind Chronic Health Conditions

Insulin resistance is the hidden epidemic that no one is talking about. In fact, you probably have insulin resistance but don’t even know it. Most of our chronic illnesses including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, even Alzheimer’s are largely rooted in insulin resistance, says Ben Bikman, Ph.D., a leading metabolic scientist and the best-selling author of “Why We Get Sick”.

Take this short quiz to learn if you have insulin resistance:

  • Do you have more fat around your belly than you’d like?
  • Do you have high blood pressure or a family history of heart disease?
  • Does eating salt affect your blood pressure?
  • Do you have high levels of blood triglycerides?
  • Do you retain water easily?
  • Do you have gout?
  • Do you have patches of darker colored skin or little bumps of skin (“skin tags”) at your neck, armpits, or other areas?
  • Do you have a family member with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes?
  • Do you have/had gestational diabetes or PCOS (for women) or have “low testosterone (for men)?

According to Ben Bikman, Ph.D., if you answered ‘yes’ to any two questions (or more), then you almost assuredly have insulin resistance - the most common non-infectious health issue in the world.

The Essential Role of Insulin: Balancing Blood Sugar and Energy Storage

Our body naturally produces the hormone, insulin, to help keep your blood sugar at healthy levels, but sometimes our body doesn’t respond to insulin the way it should. When this happens, it’s called insulin resistance.

Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate your blood sugar and is made by an organ known as the pancreas that sits behind your stomach. Your pancreas sends insulin into your bloodstream after you eat or if it detects that your blood sugar levels are high. Once insulin enters your blood, it has 2 major jobs:

  1. Insulin takes sugar out of your blood and sends it into your cells to be used for energy. When you eat a meal with carbohydrates (including sugars), that’s where insulin comes in. Insulin helps take sugar out of the blood and sends it into cells to be put to good use. As a result, your blood sugar levels should return to normal.
  2. Insulin takes sugar out of your blood and stores it in muscles, fat cells, and the liver for later use. Even though it’s helpful for your cells to take in blood sugar for energy, they don’t need immediate access to that sugar all the time. In fact, insulin will take any extra blood sugar that your cells can’t use right away and send it to your muscle cells, fat cells, and liver to be stored for later use. When it’s stored, the original form of sugar, glucose, becomes another form of sugar known as glycogen. 


Digital illustration showing a blue cell labeled 'Cell' with a keyhole, and a key labeled 'Insulin' about to enter it. There are floating red glucose molecules outside the cell, indicating the process of insulin facilitating the entry of glucose into the cell for energy.

Why Changing Diets Fails: The Challenge of Sticking to Strict Health Regimens

The world is full of highly complicated diet strategies and ideas to get healthy. Most of those strategies are so strict and difficult that 90% of the population will never stick with them long enough to see any lasting benefit.

We’re all living busy lives! Our to-do lists are already full. So when it comes down to taking care of our health - willpower is not enough. With so many roadblocks getting in the way of our health goals, we need high-quality support. 

Discover the Feel Great System: Your Path to Better Health

The Feel Great System is your new ally in the quest for better health. Developed from decades of research and scientific backing, this innovative program combines two powerhouse natural food-based products designed to work together, enhancing your energy, stabilizing blood sugar levels, minimizing insulin resistance, and managing hunger, cravings, mood, and weight.

Embrace Simplicity and Transform Your Health

With the Feel Great System, enjoy significant health benefits without the complexity and challenges of restrictive diets. Experience a transformation in your health and well-being that feels effortless and stress-free.

What Sets the Feel Great System Apart?

  • Integrates Balance Fiber Matrix & Unimate Yerba Mate for synergistic health benefits.
  • Recognized and documented in the Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR), underscoring its legitimacy and effectiveness.
  • Designed to make a noticeable difference in your health by lowering insulin levels, promoting healthier eating habits, and encouraging physical activity.

Clinically Validated for Health Improvement

At its core, Unicity Balance fiber, the system's foundational product, has been clinically validated to moderate glucose absorption. This key mechanism supports reduced insulin spikes, creating a more balanced and healthier blood-glucose state throughout your day. By choosing the Feel Great System, you're not just adopting a product; you're embracing a lifestyle shift towards sustained health improvement.

Graph illustrating blood sugar and insulin levels without balance, showing a peak after eating carbohydrates leading to elevated insulin levels and subsequent hunger trigger as blood sugar falls, with an image of a woman suggesting body weight concerns.

Graph depicting blood sugar and insulin levels with balance, showing moderated blood sugar increase after carbohydrate intake and controlled insulin response, with normal levels indicated by a dashed line and an image of a woman representing healthy weight management.Take Action for a Healthier You!

Experience the transformative power of the Feel Great System. With the Unicity 90-day money-back guarantee, you're fully open to explore the benefits. To help you have a much better understanding of The Feel Great System, you can download the eBook as it outlines everything you need to know to have the best experience.

Related Articles:

Get the Feel Great System eBook PDF Guide sent to you immediately!

Get your free Feel Great System Complete eBook Guide! Learn about Unicity Unimate yerba mate and Balance fiber matrix drinks for better health and balanced blood sugar and insulin levels.

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Image of the box of Unimate yerba mate lemon flavor and Balance fiber matrix orange flavor with a glass of Balance fiber beside it and slices of oranges and lemon to show the natural flavoring in the drinks

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Disclaimer: This website, hosted by Doug Collins, is independently operated and not sponsored or administered by Unicity International, the founder and manufacturer of the Feel Great System products. Doug is an authorized distributor with Unicity. The content here is not intended as medical advice but as a sharing of knowledge from Doug's extensive research and experience, and his community. Always consult with a qualified health care professional before making health care decisions. Your use of this site indicates your acceptance of our Terms of Use and Copyright Notice. All content, including layout, design elements, images, and articles, is copyrighted. Reproduction, republishing, or duplication without prior written approval from Doug Collins is strictly prohibited.