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Feel Great System: In-Depth Review and Critique - Part 1: Is It Legit?

feel great reviews feel great system frequently asked questions Aug 14, 2023
Unicity Unimate Yerba Mate in a glass beaker at the Unicity Sciences lab, where meticulous quality tests are being conducted on the formulation. This image represents a deep examination of the key components of the Feel Great System, showcasing the scientific rigor behind the product. Overlay text reads: 'The Feel Great System Examined: Part 1 of 2.

The Feel Great System is a science-based health program by Unicity International, distinct for its use of natural ingredients and clinical backing.

The Feel Great System is designed for sustained well-being, emphasizing blood sugar control, mental clarity, and weight management, integrating Unimate Yerba Mate and Balance Fiber Matrix with intermittent fasting.

The Feel Great System reviews include weight loss, metabolic health improvement, and energy boosts. Personal testimonials highlight its transformative reviews on weight, diabetes management, and overall health. The program is easy to follow, with a focus on enjoyment and a balanced lifestyle, rather than strict dieting, ensuring it's a feasible and pleasurable approach to wellness​.

In this article we are going to go through all the aspects of Feel Great System to give you a better understanding so you can make an informed choice for your heath.


  • Feel Great System Health Approach: A science-based system for enhanced wellness.
  • Feel Great System Ingredients Unique Blend: Natural ingredients with clinical backing for mental clarity, blood sugar control, and weight loss.
  • Review on Unicity Products: Focus-boosting Unimate Yerba Mate, Balance Fiber Matrix for carbs and blood sugar, plus 16:8 intermittent fasting.
  • Proven Benefits: Noticeable weight loss, improved metabolic health, and increased mental sharpness.
  • Feel Great System Diet Review: A lifestyle shift combining supplements with intermittent fasting for holistic well-being.
  • The Feel Great System Reviews: Inspiring success stories with tangible health improvements.
  • Is the Feel Great System Legit: An easy-to-follow approach with delicious options, focusing on sustainable lifestyle changes.
  • Stay Tuned: Upcoming in-depth review and further exploration of Unicity International in Part 2.

What Is the Feel Great System? A Comprehensive Overview 

The Feel Great System is not just another diet plan. It's a comprehensive, science-based nutritional program designed to empower individuals on their path to optimal well-being. What sets the Feel Great System apart is its unique blend of natural ingredients, clinical studies, and medical endorsements.

Image of the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) along with the Feel Great System products Unicity Unimate Lemon-Ginger and Balance Fiber

With over 35 years of evolution, the Feel Great System has proven to be a life-changing solution for many. It's not about temporary "quick-fix" solutions but a commitment to real, lasting results. By focusing on controlling blood sugar levels, enhancing mental clarity, and supporting weight loss, it has garnered success stories and testimonials that resonate with people from all walks of life.

Created by Unicity International, the Feel Great System combines food-based nutrition products in a synergistic way to deliver on its promise. With a guarantee to "Feel Great" within the first 30 days, it goes beyond mere products, encouraging responsible dietary and lifestyle decisions. It's a holistic approach that aligns with the growing trend towards natural, sustainable health solutions.

The Feel Great System stands as a testament to what's achievable with the right blend of science, nature, and commitment. It's more than a product; it's a philosophy that empowers individuals to take control of their health and live life to the fullest.

The Feel Great System is built on a foundation of carefully selected products to working together, each playing a vital role in the overall health transformation. Here's a closer look at these key elements:

  • Unimate Yerba Mate: A concentrated yerba mate drink, Unimate is designed to enhance focus, mood, and mental stamina. It's more than just a beverage; it's a tool for mental empowerment, helping you stay sharp and energized throughout the day.
  • Balance Fiber Matrix: Balance is a patented blend of fibers and nutrients that works to control carbohydrates and support healthy blood sugar levels. It's a cornerstone of the Feel Great System, providing the nutritional support needed for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
  • Intermittent Fasting: The Feel Great System incorporates a 16:8 intermittent fasting method, promoting natural fat-burning without the need for extreme diets or rigorous exercise routines. It's a time-tested approach that aligns with the body's natural rhythms.

The Feel Great System: Benefits and Effectiveness

The Feel Great System is more than the sum of its parts. It offers a consistent and enjoyable way to feel great, without the need for restrictive diets or extreme exercise. Here are the key benefits:

  • Weight Loss and Metabolic Health Improvement: Clinically proven to control hunger, reduce cravings, and facilitate weight loss, the Feel Great System is a trusted ally in the journey towards optimal metabolic health.
  • Mental Clarity and Energy Boost: Thanks to Unimate yerba mate, users experience a noticeable boost in energy and mental clarity, empowering them to tackle their daily challenges with confidence.
  • Digestive Health Support: The Balance fiber matrix is not just about controlling carbs; it also promotes proper digestion, ensuring that the body's digestive system functions smoothly.

The Feel Great System Founder is Unicity International

The Feel Great System's roots trace back to Unicity International, originally known as Rexall. Contrary to misconceptions, Unicity is the founder and creator of this transformative health program. With a rich history spanning over three decades, Unicity Balance has been a trusted name in health and wellness. In 2017, Unimate was launched after years of meticulous research, marking a new era under the visionary leadership of Stewart Hughes.

Stewart Hughes's goal was clear and profound: to help people live healthier, more fulfilling lives with products that make living healthy much easier. Since 2017, Unimate has been incorporated into dietary routines with great success, embodying the term "Feel Great" that was widely used throughout the company as a slogan. It wasn't until late 2020 when Unicity elevated this concept into a brand - the "Feel Great System."

Today, the Feel Great System stands as a testament to Unicity's unwavering commitment to quality and effectiveness. It reflects Hughes's dedication to wellness and positive change, resonating with those seeking a holistic approach to health.

The Feel Great System is More Than a Diet Plan: It's a Lifestyle

By thoughtfully combining supplements with time-restricted eating, the Feel Great System offers a balanced and sustainable way to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Whether you're on a journey to lose weight, manage chronic health issues, or simply enhance your overall wellness, the Feel Great System could be the right choice for you. It's not just about products; it's about empowering individuals to take control of their health and live life with vitality and joy.

Is the Feel Great System Legit?

Are you intrigued by the Feel Great System and eager to explore what it has to offer? In this two-part series, we'll embark on a comprehensive journey to answer the pressing question: "Does It Work?" We'll investigate common misconceptions, analyze reviews found online, examine expert opinions, and delve into the details of Unicity International, the company behind this innovative approach to health.

Whether you're just embarking on your wellness journey or you're a seasoned health enthusiast, my goal is to provide you with an in-depth review that sheds light on the Feel Great System. This system is redefining our approach to health and well-being, and I want to help you understand it from every angle. From scientific insights, to what doctors are saying about it, and to real-life success stories, we'll explore the Feel Great System's multifaceted nature, helping you decide if it aligns with your unique needs and aspirations.

So join me on this enlightening journey as we explore and discover how the Feel Great System could be the key to unlocking your health potential. Together, we'll navigate the complexities and equip you with the knowledge and confidence to know if if the Feel Great System is your next step in your health journey.

The Feel Great System: A Comprehensive Look at Its Benefits and Impact

The Feel Great System is more than a fleeting trend in the health and wellness industry. It's a scientifically-backed approach and widely recognized throughout the healthcare community, and continues to gain attention for its effectiveness in controlling blood sugar levels, enhancing mental clarity, and supporting weight loss.

Image showing how the Feel Great System dietary routine is recommended: with Unimate in the morning and Balance before your two main meals and waiting 16 hours representing intermittent fasting period.

Here's what sets it apart:

  • A Science-Based Approach to Health: Grounded in solid science, the Feel Great System combines Unicity Balance fiber matrix and Unicity Unimate yerba mate drink to support healthy blood sugars, facilitate weight loss, and reduce insulin resistance.
  • Clinical Studies and Recognition: Rigorously tested and backed by published clinical studies, the Feel Great System's products are listed in the Prescribers Digital Reference (PDR), a trusted resource for healthcare professionals.
  • A Rich History: 35+ Years of Evolution: Originating from research conducted at the University of Santa Barbara in 1986 and introduced to the market by Rexall Drugs as Bios Life, Unicity Balance reflects a commitment to quality and innovation.
  • Medical Endorsements and Professional Recognition: Highly regarded by the medical community, renowned cardiologists like Dr. Gerald Bresnahan, Dr. Annie Varughese, and emergency room physician Dr. Neil Secrist endorse the Feel Great System for its effectiveness in preventing cardiovascular disease.

The Feel Great System: Proven Success in Weight Loss, Cholesterol Control, and Blood Sugar Management

The Feel Great System is a comprehensive approach to overall health, addressing some of the most common health challenges:

  • Weight Loss Support: By naturally controlling hunger and reducing cravings, the Feel Great System offers a sustainable path to weight loss.
  • Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Management: Supporting healthy blood sugar levels and reducing insulin resistance, Unicity Balance aids in maintaining healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
  • Natural Energy Boost: Crafted from natural elements like yerba mate leaves, Unicity Unimate provides an energy boost without added or synthetic caffeine.

The Feel Great System offers a proven, science-backed path to success, whether you're aiming to lose weight, manage cholesterol, or keep blood sugar in check.

Unicity International and the Feel Great System

Image inside Unicity Manufacturing facility at the end of the production line packing finished sachets of Unicity Unimate Lemon into 30-count boxes.

Unicity International, a global leader in metabolic health, reflects their commitment to excellence through the Feel Great System:

  • A Century of Excellence in Metabolic Health: With a rich history spanning over a century, Unicity International's longevity speaks volumes about their dedication to quality, innovation, and customer well-being.
  • Innovation and Science at the Core: Unicity's relentless pursuit of innovation and scientific excellence has earned various clinical studies, certifications, and patents, and inhouse quality control and manufacturing (from seed to sachet) all in the name pursuit of creating the best-in-class science-based nutrition products.
  • A Global Solution: The Feel Great System's global recognition reflects its universal appeal and effectiveness, changing lives in well over 50 countries worldwide by offering a solution that helps individuals achieve their health goals through a simple program that anyone can follow.

The Feel Great System Reviews: Personal Transformation Stories

The Feel Great System is more than a product; it's a transformative lifestyle approach that has positively impacted many lives. Here are some examples of Feel Great System Reviews:

  • Doug Collins' Feel Great Review: As the author of "Beyond Feel Great," I, Doug Collins, have shared my personal success with the Feel Great System, losing 100 lbs (45 kg) and enhancing overall well-being. My journey is a powerful testament to the system's effectiveness.
  • Type 2 Diabetes Feel Great System Unicity Review: Especially inspiring are stories of those who are now off all medications for type 2 diabetes, showcasing the Feel Great System's impact on blood sugar control.
  • Feel Great System Weight Diet Review: From Toronto Blue Jays Slugger Vladdy losing 42 lbs to many others shedding 20 to over 100 lbs, these real-life experiences highlight the system's role in weight management.
  • Unicity Unimate Reviews Include Mental Clarity and Energy Boost: Many users note increased mental clarity, mood enhancement, and a significant energy boost, emphasizing the Feel Great System's holistic approach to wellness. Some examples can be found at the Feel Great System Reviews page on this website. 

These Feel Great System reviews paint a vivid picture of the transformative potential. Are you ready to embark on a health journey with it? The stories shared here are a testament to its ability to make you feel better than you have in years.

Accessibility and Enjoyment: The Feel Great System

The Feel Great System is a lifestyle that's both accessible and enjoyable. Here's how it makes wellness achievable and pleasurable:

  • Easy to Follow: Recognizing that a healthy lifestyle should be doable, the Feel Great System offers a balanced approach that fits into daily life without feeling deprived or overwhelmed.
  • Delicious Choices: With options like lemon or lemon-ginger flavored Unimate yerba mate drink, and orange for the Balance, the Feel Great System supports health goals without sacrificing flavor.
  • A Lifestyle, Not a Diet: Focused on creating a sustainable lifestyle, the Feel Great System includes flavorful drinks, a supportive private community, and personalized support, making wellness an enjoyable part of daily life.

Accessibility and enjoyment are at the heart of the Feel Great System. If you're looking to improve health without sacrificing pleasure, this might be the perfect solution for you.

Exposing More Insights: What's Next in Our Exploration of the Feel Great System

Our exploration of the Feel Great System has taken us through its science, benefits, and real-life transformations. But our journey doesn't end here. There's still more to discover about this innovative approach that's redefining health and well-being.

In the next article, we'll dive deeper into the Feel Great System, examining potential drawbacks based on what's been written in two online reviews, gather expert opinions, and go into more detail on the ingredients and this company, Unicity International, who's behind the Feel Great System.  

Lets now head over to Part 2 as we take the next step on the journey towards fully understanding everything about the Feel Great System.

You can find the article here: Feel Great System: In-Depth Review and Critique - Part 2: Must-Know Insights

Feel Better Than You Have In Years!

Image of the box of Unimate yerba mate lemon flavor and Balance fiber matrix orange flavor with a glass of Balance fiber beside it and slices of oranges and lemon to show the natural flavoring in the drinks

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Disclaimer: This website, hosted by Doug Collins, is independently operated and not sponsored or administered by Unicity International, the founder and manufacturer of the Feel Great System products. Doug is an authorized distributor with Unicity. The content here is not intended as medical advice but as a sharing of knowledge from Doug's extensive research and experience, and his community. Always consult with a qualified health care professional before making health care decisions. Your use of this site indicates your acceptance of our Terms of Use and Copyright Notice. All content, including layout, design elements, images, and articles, is copyrighted. Reproduction, republishing, or duplication without prior written approval from Doug Collins is strictly prohibited.