Conquering Chronic Diseases: The Power of Nutrition and Lifestyle Choices | The Feel Great System
Mar 08, 2022
In an era where living longer is becoming the norm, the battle against chronic diseases remains a pivotal challenge. These conditions, lasting a year or more, not only require continuous medical care but also significantly impact the quality of life.
With chronic diseases outpacing infectious diseases at a staggering rate, the quest for a healthier life has never been more critical. Renowned health expert Dr. Mark Hyman emphasizes the transformative power of food, highlighting its role in supporting our body's systems and promoting optimal health through phytochemicals.
The prevalence of chronic diseases is alarmingly high, accounting for 73% of global deaths and a significant portion of the global disease burden. Factors such as poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, tobacco and excessive alcohol use contribute to the rising tide of these health issues. In the U.S., six out of ten adults suffer from at least one chronic disease, with four in ten grappling with multiple conditions.
The modern food landscape, dominated by processed food giants, plays a significant role in our nutritional challenges. These companies focus on creating addictive flavors and textures, making it difficult to resist overconsumption. Understanding the Glycemic Index (GI) of foods and selecting low-GI options can dramatically improve our metabolic health, aiding in the prevention and management of chronic diseases.
To navigate this complex food environment, the article introduces a practical GI Food Guide and the Feel Great System, a holistic approach to managing blood sugar levels and fostering a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. By embracing simple, sustainable habits and leveraging science-backed food products, we can transform our health and enjoy a vibrant, disease-free life.
According to the World Health Organization, chronic diseases make up 73% of all global deaths, and an additional 60% of the global burden of disease. This latter measure is an indicator of the impact of living with illnesses and premature deaths.
Here are some contributing risk factors for contracting a chronic disease:
- Poor nutrition
- Lack of physical activity
- Tobacco use
- Excessive alcohol use
Chronic diseases affect more people than we realize. In the U.S. alone, 6 in 10 adults have at least one chronic disease. They can also compound significantly: it’s estimated that 4 in 10 adults suffer from at least two or more.
Poor Nutrition
While we understand the implications of lack of physical activity, tobacco use and excessive alcohol use, the most significant challenge we face is improving our nutrition. We can start by blaming the modern food environment for this.
Companies like Nestle, Pillsbury, Kraft and McDonalds have some of the highest paid food scientists with one primary focus, designing flavor, mouth feel and other things such that you just want to eat more and more of the foods they sell.
These processed food companies invest huge resources into one mission - designing foods that stimulate a never-ending desire for more of their food.
To understand “what foods” we should be consuming lets start with the Glycemic Index (GI). This index assigns a number to foods based on how each bite impacts your blood sugar. GI is a powerful way to look at food, and when you use it the right way it can make it much easier to reach your goals.
Foods low on the glycemic index appear to stave off heart disease, prevent type 2 diabetes, help you evade serious side effects if you already have diabetes, it curbs your appetite so you are easier to lose weight, and increases your energy throughout the day.
Understanding the importance of the Glycemic Index (GI) of foods can transform the way you look at foods on your plate and will dramatically impact your metabolic health. As an example, here is a comparison of foods that have the same GI rating.
- Donut 🍩 = Watermelon 🍉 (76)
- Boiled Potato 🥔 = Gatorade 🥤 (78)
- White Pasta Noodles 🍝 = Banana 🍌 or Blueberries (51)
The GI Food Guide
To make life easier in making better food choices, I have provided a handy Food Guide (see below) for your reference to post it on your refrigerator and bring it with you to the grocery store. . This Food Guide breaks down the most common foods into three convenient categories:
- Foods to Enjoy (Low Glycemic)
- Foods in Moderation (Medium Glycemic)
- Foods to Avoid (High Glycemic)
Enhance Results with a Simple Solution
The Feel Great System is designed to make a healthy lifestyle not only doable but also enjoyable using two evidence-based food products that are clinically proven to control hunger, support healthy blood sugars, facilitates weight loss and reduces insulin resistance.
The Feel Great System is the most effective tool that assists to bring your blood sugars back into a healthy range. The system is designed to make a healthy lifestyle not only doable but also enjoyable, without having to starve yourself or rely on willpower as you can still enjoy your favorite foods in moderation.
The Feel Great System: Two Science-based Food Products
Unicity Balance is a patented blend of blend of soluble and insoluble fibers, phytosterols with vitamins and minerals. Unicity Balance reduces your appetite, absorbs and removes fat, promotes fat-burning ability, and decreases leptin resistance.
This matrix of fiber in Unicity Balance is specifically designed to absorb much more blood sugar and supports healthy cholesterol more effectively than OTC fiber products like Metamucil or Benefiber, which is are just a single source of fiber that act more like a laxative.
The second product, Unicity Unimate, comes from the plant called Yerba Mate. This helps in giving us a rest from constantly eating by suppressing hunger and helping the body utilize its fat for fuel. The challenge with intermittent fasting is that it's hard to maintain long-term.
In Summary
If you are struggling to get control of your health, please know that it starts with getting control of your eating. If you are like most of us you will need a little bit of help. So if you want to Feel Great I suggest you get started on the Feel Great System.
To ensure your greatest success, when starting on the Feel Great System through this website you also become part of our exclusive private VIP online community where you will receive daily education and support, and personalized one-on-one coaching.
By making a few simple sustainable habits just watch your health transform. You will make this your healthiest year yet! Above all, remember that any changes you make should fit in with the kind of lifestyle you want to live long term.
Feel Better Than You Have In Years!